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Constitutional ne demek?

Constitutional ne demek? Constitutional ne anlama gelir? Constitutional İngilizce örnek cümle. Constitutional eş anlamlıları.

    constitutional (n)

    sağlık için yapılan yürüyüş

    constitutional (adj)


    yasal, meşruti, anayasaya uygun olan

    Constitutional (adj) ingilizce örnek cümle

    The President has resigned, and the country is in the middle of a constitutional crisis.

    Cumhurbaşkanı istifa etti ve ülke anayasal krizin ortasında.

    bünyeyle ilgili

    yapısal, konstitüsyonel

    Constitutional (adj) Collocations

    constitutional amendment : anayasa değişikliği
    constitutional arrangement : anayasal düzenleme
    constitutional assembly : anayasa meclisi
    constitutional authority : anayasal yetki
    constitutional ban : anayasal yasak
    39 Örnek daha
    constitutional challenge : anayasal görev
    constitutional change : anayasal değişim
    constitutional conference : anayasa müzakere
    constitutional convention : anayasal kongre
    constitutional crisis : anayasal kriz
    constitutional democracy : anayasal demokrasi
    constitutional document : anayasal belge
    constitutional duty : anayasal görev
    constitutional guarantee : anayasal garanti
    constitutional implication : anayasal çıkarım
    constitutional importance : anayasal önem
    constitutional interpretation : anayasal yorumlama
    constitutional issue : anayasal konu
    constitutional law : Anayasa Hukuku
    constitutional lawyer : anayasal avukat
    constitutional liberty : anayasal özgürlük
    constitutional limit : yasal sınır
    constitutional mandate : anayasal emir
    constitutional monarch : anayasal kraliyet
    constitutional monarchy : anayasal monarşi
    constitutional organ : anayasal kuruluş
    constitutional prerogative : anayasal ayrıcalık
    constitutional principle : anayasal ilke
    constitutional prohibition : anayasal yasak
    constitutional protection : anayasal koruma
    constitutional provision : anayasa hükmü
    constitutional referendum : anayasa referandumu
    constitutional reform : anayasa ıslahat
    constitutional regime : anayasal rejim
    constitutional republic : anayasal cumhuriyet
    constitutional requirement : anayasal gereklilik
    constitutional responsibility : ana sorumluluk
    constitutional restraint : anayasal kısıtlama
    constitutional restriction : anayasal kısıtlama
    constitutional right : anayasal hak
    constitutional rule : anayasal kural
    constitutional safeguard : anayasal koruma
    constitutional separation : anayasal ayrılık
    constitutional settlement : anayasal yerleşim
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