YDS Örnek Sorular: Sınav Başarınızı Katlayın!

Yds Örnek Sorular: Sınav Başarınızı Katlayın!

YDS'ye Hazırlık Yolunda En Etkili Adım: YDS Örnek Sorular

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ÖSYM, her yıl YDS'nin çıkmış sorularını yayınlar. Bu sorular, sınavın güncel formatını ve soru tarzını anlamanız için en değerli kaynaktır. ÖSYM'nin web sitesinden bu sorulara ulaşabilir ve çözerek kendinizi sınava hazırlayabilirsiniz.

YDS Örnek Sorular / Çıkmış Sorular ve Cevapları

Aşağıda, ÖSYM'nin geçmiş yıllarda yayınladığı  YDS soruları  ve cevapları yer almaktadır:

Some estimates of children in underdeveloped countries suggest that malnutrition contributes to approximately half of all child deaths because it leads to ---- of bodily functions, thus increasing susceptibility to diseases.
2024 YDS/1 Çıkmış Soru  (24 Mart 2024)

A) implication  B) enforcement  C) deterioration  D) exploitation  E) refinement

The Industrial Revolution, which was based on the harnessing of inanimate sources of power, proved to be the biggest catalyst in the ---- of production growth and technological innovations in the late 18th and 19th centuries.
2024 YDS/1 Çıkmış Soru (24 Mart 2024)

A) alleviation B) resolution C) segregation D) exhaustion E) acceleration

Our memory for emotions is highly selective, and we tend to remember how good the good times were, ---- the memories of the bad times fade more quickly.
2023 Sonbahar YDS Soru ve Deneme/ Deneme -1 

A) as if   B)wheneve C)whereas  D)even  E) like wise

Differences within our genetic code are responsible for everything from what we look like, our personality traits to our ---- to disease.

2024 İlkbahar YDS Soru ve Deneme/ Deneme -1

A) inferiority B) predisposition C) variance D) anticipation E) conformity

Oxygen therapy is used ---- some chronic lung conditions.
The Ultimate Vocabulary Builde Kaynağı Section- 1
A) from   B) over  C)  for   D) as  

Religions have emerged and developed ---- the World.
The Ultimate Vocabulary Builde Kaynağı Section- 1
A) at   B)across  C) against D) into 

Although the topic of lying has received the attention of researchers, there is relatively less investigation into this behaviour in children. 
2024 İlkbahar YDS Soru ve Deneme/ Deneme -1 

A) Bugüne kadar yalan söyleme konusu hakkında birçok bilimsel araştırma yapılmasına rağmen, çocuklar üzerine fazla yoğunlaşılmamıştır.

B) Bugüne kadar yalan söyleme konusu hakkında birçok bilimsel araştırma yapılmıştır; ancak bu davranışın çocuklar üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmamıştır.

C) Yalan söyleme konusu, uzun zamandır araştırmacıların dikkatini çekmektedir; ancak, çocuklardaki bu davranış üzerine az araştırma yapılmıştır.

D) Yalan söyleme konusu araştırmacıların dikkatini çekmesine rağmen, çocuklardaki bu davranış üzerine görece daha az araştırma vardır.

E) Araştırmacıların oldukça dikkatini çeken yalan söyleme konusu, çocuklar üzerinde şu ana kadar daha az araştırılıp incelenmiştir.

Bir estetik ameliyat öncesinde, hastalar gerçekçi beklentilere sahip olmak amacıyla elde edilebilecek sonuçlara açıklık getirmek ve olası sorunları tartışmak için cerrahları ile görüşmelidir.
2024 YDS/1 Çıkmış Soru (24 Mart 2024)

A) Before a plastic surgery, patients should meet their surgeon with an aim to clarify the results that can be achieved and discuss potential problems as this will lead them to have realistic expectations.

B) Before a plastic surgery, patients should meet their surgeon to clarify the results that can be achieved and discuss potential problems in order to have realistic expectations.

C) If patients want to have realistic expectations, they should meet their surgeon before a plastic surgery in order to clarify the results that can be achieved and discuss potential problems.

D) Before a plastic surgery, patients who want to have realistic expectations should meet their surgeon to clarify the results that can be achieved and discuss potential problems.

E) By meeting their surgeon before a plastic surgery, patients should clarify the results that can be achieved and discuss potential problems so that they can have realistic expectations.

– What do you think the difference between the words 'inequality' and 'disparity' is?
William: – Well, both have negative connotations. And they both imply a lack of something. I guess they are basically synonyms.
Edward: – ----
William: – Oh, I see. So, if I say that there is a disparity between you and me, it might not be a bad thing, but inequality would be negative.
2024 İlkbahar YDS Soru ve Deneme/ Deneme -5

A) That's sort of correct, but we use 'disparity' when we talk about scientific topics and 'inequality' for social issues.

B) That's basically correct, though 'disparity' tells us that something is unfair, while 'inequality' means some groups have more advantages than others.

C) They're more or less the same, but in academic circles, the term 'disparity' is an out-of-date expression; the current term is 'inequality'.

D) They're essentially synonymous, but we can use 'inequality' to express minor differences and 'disparity' for significant levels of difference.

E) You're right, they're very similar, but 'disparity' can be used to talk about differences neutrally, while 'inequality' suggests a value judgement.

SORU 10)
Student: - Professor, I can't understand the motive behind the Viking invasions. Were they simply bloodthirsty raiders, or did they have other aims?
Professor: - It's true, there's that violent element to their culture but they rarely destroyed an entire settlement. What do you think is the reason for that?
Student: - ----.
Professor: - Exactly! In their attacks on the coasts of England, they had plenty of opportunity to see the good farmland, healthy crops and fat cattle all over the country. They basically didn't want to spoil the potential of gaining more wealth.
2024 YDS/1 Çıkmış Soru (24 Mart 2024)

A) I read that they are quite the adventurers, keen to explore new lands in far-off places like America.

B) I would assume that they wanted to come back to the lands they plundered and pillage more of their resources.

C) They managed to perfect the design of their ships, making them the fastest sea vessels of the time.

D) It's the family tradition: The elder son inherited family lands so the younger ones would venture a territory they can call their own.

E) They concentrated their attacks on monasteries as it was the best place to obtain priceless plunder.

SORU 11)
The temperature of an object is determined by ---- fast its molecules are moving.
Ücretsiz Kaynaklar /YDS Noun Clause Soru Tipi - Soru 18

A) what   B) where   C) that   D) when   E) how

---- explanations have been put forward as to why the dinosaurs became extinct.

Ücretsiz Kaynaklar YDS Other Grammar Soru Tipi - Soru 7

A) Plenty   B) None   C) Much  D) Several   E) Any

YDS örnek soruları, sınav başarınızı artırmak için kullanabileceğiniz en etkili araçlardan biridir. Bu soruları düzenli olarak çözerek, sınav formatına aşina olabilir, zayıf yönlerinizi belirleyebilir ve sınav gününde kendinize daha fazla güvenebilirsiniz. ÖSYM'nin güncel çıkmış sorularını da çözerek, sınavın güncel yapısını ve soru tarzını daha iyi anlayabilirsiniz. Unutmayın, başarıya giden yol planlı çalışma, tekrar ve analizden geçer. YDS örnek sorularını etkili bir şekilde kullanarak hedeflerinize ulaşabilirsiniz.

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